An Edina High School Student Writes

Many Edina students, parents, teachers and staff have expressed their appreciation for our efforts to reform the politicized Edina school system. This email, from an Edina High School student, is typical:

Mr. Hinderaker,

I’m a student at Edina High School. Recently, my high school has been very divided. This may not be a new issue, but it is a constant distraction from learning. Students’ views clash with the views of other students and even teachers. I believe that it’s very important to value other people’s opinions. In an education environment, I believe there should be a free-market of ideas, where people can express their views and have civilized conversations or disagreements. Unfortunately, this is not happening.

I was recently on YouTube where I saw a video posted by the MN SD49 GOP page where you spoke about liberal indoctrination within the EPS system, and I can’t thank you enough. I think it’s very important that this was brought to light. I know many students who feel oppressed, like their opinions aren’t valid. I hope this soon changes. I’ve had great teachers, who have respected students and allowed them to have their own opinions. Some of my peers have not had this same experience.

Some of my classes are trying to force a certain way of thinking, a certain agenda in students. Regardless of my own opinion on such matters, I think everyone is entitled to their own view on issues such as immigration, gender identity, gun control, etc. They pushed the ideas that we don’t have enough gun control, that Trump is ridiculous, that all immigrants are good, that all gender identities are valid. I understand they’re trying to create an inclusive community, and I’d rather not express my own opinions. What I do know is that many of my fellow students do not share these opinions, and they feel suppressed by the teachers, they’re made to feel as if their opinions are ridiculous.

Lastly, you mentioned early on that anonymity was a common theme among those you spoke to. I too, would not feel comfortable expressing my opinions in school. I’m not racist, I’m not a Nazi, but my school has not created a welcoming environment for independent, libertarian, or conservative students. I just want you to know that I appreciate you speaking about the issues within my school system and I hope change happens soon.

Thank you.

You can watch the video the student refers to here.