Check Out the Thinking Minnesota Poll

Center of the American Experiment has initiated a poll in connection with our quarterly magazine, Thinking Minnesota. The poll, conducted by nationally-recognized Meeting Street, samples 500 Minnesota registered voters. Typically the largest number of questions will relate to the subject of the magazine’s cover story, but other topics are polled as well.

The most recent survey, conducted at the end of August and beginning of September, contains some eye-opening findings. Like the fact that by 65% to 31%, better than two to one, Minnesotans want lower income taxes in all brackets. And the fact that Minnesotans overwhelmingly want to reduce state spending by eliminating waste and fraud.

There is much more in this quarter’s Thinking Minnesota Poll, and future surveys will be equally interesting and unique–unique, because no one else conducts public polling on policy issues in Minnesota on a regular basis.

You can check out poll results here.