Kathryn Hinderaker is the Development Director at Center of the American Experiment.
Kathryn previously served as the Center’s Event Coordinator for three years. She put on over 100 events for tens of thousands of attendees.
Before joining the Center, Kathryn participated in the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation, where she worked in the Special Events department.
Kathryn graduated from St. Olaf College in 2019, with a degree in Political Science and Media Studies. During her time there, she was elected President of the St. Olaf College Republicans. She was later elected state Chairwoman of the Minnesota College Republicans, where she oversaw 17 chapters across the state. She also served as a Student Representative on the college’s Institute for Freedom and Community Director’s Board.
Kathryn also enjoyed writing as a Student Reporter at The College Fix and held various internships, including as a Legislative Intern in the office of Senator Tom Cotton, an Editorial Intern at RealClearPolitics, and a Digital Marketing Intern at Harris Media. Kathryn has been featured on Fox News, PBS, and other national and local media discussing her work as a student activist.