ACTION ALERT! Tell Your Legislator Clean Energy First Will Increase Electricity Prices and Could Kill 10,000 Jobs ASAP
Nearly 670,000 Minnesotans have lost their jobs since March 16, 2020 due to the Coronavirus shutdown, and on Friday, May 15 at 8:30 AM, the Minnesota State Senate Finance Committee will be considering passing the Clean Energy First bill, which could destroy thousands more jobs by paving the way for more expensive and unreliable forms of energy like wind and solar.
Center of the American Experiment’s analysis has found this legislation would cost nearly $46 billion through 2050, cause electricity prices to increase by 35 percent in areas served by Xcel Energy, and that these higher electricity prices could destroy more than 10,000 jobs.
Greater Minnesota would suffer the most from Clean Energy First because many of these communities are reliant upon energy intensive industries like agriculture, manufacturing, and mining. Every time the cost of doing business is increased by government mandates, it becomes harder for these industries to compete against companies in other states and countries.
Clean Energy First would also harm Minnesota families by increasing cost of living for each Minnesota household by nearly $1,200 per year in higher electricity bills, higher taxes as local school districts are forced to raise property taxes to make up for higher energy costs, and higher prices at the store as retailers raise their prices to offset their rising overhead.
Contact your legislator immediately and let them know that you think Minnesota’s economy has suffered enough from the Coronavirus shutdown, and that this renewable energy mandate will just make things worse.
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