American Experiment submits 46 pages of comments opposing California car mandates
Center of the American Experiment continues to lead the charge against the Walz administration’s attempt to impose California car mandates on Minnesota drivers.
Our organization submitted 46 pages of comments making the case that these regulations are unnecessary and unreasonable to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).
You can read our comments by clicking below.
More than 11,300 Minnesotans have signed our petition to the Governor and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) telling them we don’t want California car mandates here. American Experiment is submitting these signatures to the ALJ so they know thousands of Minnesotans oppose these rules.
Our comments argue:
- California car mandates regulations infringe on the property rights of Minnesota auto dealers and harm the viability of their businesses.
- Mandating electric cars will force auto dealers to stock electric cars that are not profitable and have limited demand.
- These mandates will not increase consumer choice.
- California car mandates will increase costs for consumers.
- There will be no measurable environmental benefits from the California car mandates.
- The mandates will harm minority and rural communities and low-income families.
We will be writing more about each of these points in the coming days and weeks.