Changes in MN demographics, 2020-2023
Recent data released by the U.S. Census Bureau give a glimpse into the state’s changing demographic makeup.
This item from the Census Bureau last week caught my eye. It opens,
Between 2022 and 2023, the Hispanic population accounted for just under 71% of the overall growth of the United States population
The Bureau explains further,
While natural increase made the greatest contribution to Hispanic population growth between 2022 and 2023 with approximately 722,000 more births than deaths, international migration resulted in about one-third of the overall net gain in the Hispanic population, with just over 437,000 migrants coming into the country.
The newest Census data made me curious to see how Minnesota ranked in this category. As usual, though, the Minnesota situation is a little more nuanced than the national picture. So, I decided to look back over the past three years of data, since the 2020 Census.
Over that period (April 1, 2020, to July 1, 2023), the population of Minnesota (which stands over 5.7 million) grew, on net, by just over 31,000. Here’s the breakdown by ethnicity,
The state’s population identified as non-Hispanic white still represents the majority (77 percent of the total population). However, this category has fallen, on net, over the past three years.
All other racial/ethnic categories showed net increases.
The Hispanic population did increase over this period and represents a large share of the net increase. However, the category of black/African-American increased the most.
Aggregate data for July 1, 2024, are scheduled to be released in December.