Cost of fixing up the Governor’s Mansion increases by 80% in four months

Back in April, we reported that Gov. Walz was going to move into a lakeside mansion costing Minnesota’s taxpayers $17,000 a month while the governor’s mansion was renovated. After an outcry, the Governor opted, instead, for more modest accommodation at the University of Minnesota’s presidential residence, at the cost of $4,400 a month.

How is that renovation going? Back in June it was estimated to be a $7.1 million project. Now, just four months later, MPR News reports that the figure is up by 80%, to $12.8 million.

“In a letter Friday to top lawmakers,” MPR News reports,

“…the Department of Administration attributed the jump primarily to higher-than-expected bids received to replace heating, air conditioning, ventilation, electrical and plumbing systems. The entire boiler and piping system is facing replacement and much of the building’s wiring dates back to the initial construction completed in 1912.”

Here is a question and a suggestion: how much would the mansion sell for? Could we use the proceeds to buy someplace else?