Education Minnesota Hurts Student Progress
FACT: Education Minnesota is the state’s largest teacher union
FACT: Education Minnesota has stood in the way of every important education reform in state history (see chart below)
FACT: Education Minnesota claims to support kids, but they block every attempt to improve the system to benefit kids
FACT: Education Minnesota is the definition of “systemically racist” as they systemically block every attempt to close Minnesota’s achievement gap for students of color
FACT: Education Minnesota spends millions of dollars of union dues money each election on political candidates who support their anti-reform agenda
It’s time to stop letting the union hurt student progress and block real education reform.
Chart: Education Minnesota stands in the way of important education reform
TEACHERS SHARE: “What made you decide to leave your union?”
What do you do when your union doesn’t reflect your values or priorities as a teacher?
“Education Minnesota is involved in a lot of things that… have nothing to do with education.”
Hear why Anna, a Minnesota kindergarten teacher, left her union.
“They were spending [my] money on things that go against my belief system and morals.”
“I would love to just have a local option. Unfortunately, I had to opt-out completely… I just couldn’t continue to give money to Education Minnesota.”
The president of the National Education Association, a national teachers’ union, made three trips to Ukraine to “inspect the front lines.” Minnesota teacher Mark wondered, “How does that help kids in my school? How does that help teachers?”
“Do I really want to stay a part of this? Do I want to keep contributing money to an entity that doesn’t support what I believe in?”
Tom, a Minnesota K-12 teacher, made the hard decision to leave his union after feeling unable to “keep up” with their changes.
“I saw diverging paths of what I believed Education Minnesota should represent and what it was representing for us.”
“Education Minnesota should be concerned about our contracts, fair practices, our benefits, our pensions, things like that. I see a different political agenda.”
“I’m not anti-union… I am against the state union telling us, at the local level, what we should be representing.”
Click here to watch more Minnesota teacher testimonies.
VIDEO: What’s the Circle of Education Funding?
VIDEO: Why are Minneapolis Public Schools Broke?
VIDEO: Why is St. Paul Running Out of Money?
More Resources
March 12, 2024: Circle (spiral?) of Education Funding, Minneapolis edition
March 2, 2024: The Circle of Education Funding in real life: St. Paul edition
Feb. 26, 2024: Conflict of interest: Minneapolis teacher union president running for school board
Feb. 23, 2024: Rochester teachers demand 15% salary increase (and get it!)
Spring 2023 Thinking Minnesota magazine: Why Education Minnesota is the most systemically racist organization in the state.
Nov. 22, 2022: Teacher unions are ‘the biggest bully in school’
Nov. 23, 2022: MN teachers’ union funneled nearly $4 million into state elections
April 8, 2022: Teachers’ union spent 2x as much on politics compared to spending on members
Dec. 21, 2021: The Minneapolis Federation of Teachers reveals its true colors
Dec. 19, 2021: The teachers’ union bankrupted Minneapolis schools
This project is prepared and paid for by Center of the American Experiment.
8421 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 110
Golden Valley, MN 55426