Energy radio ads target Spanish, Somali audiences

Center of the American Experiment this week launched a statewide radio campaign with ads in Spanish, Somali and English educating Minnesotans on how alternative energy sources such as wind and solar are making energy more expensive for everyone. The Spanish version of the ad is running on La Raza Radio in Minneapolis and in select markets around Greater Minnesota with high Hispanic populations. The Somali version of the ad targets Somali households in the Twin Cities, while the English version is running in Greater Minnesota.

“While the Left brags at cocktail parties about wind and solar installations in Minnesota, hard-working families struggle to pay their home energy bills,” said Isaac Orr, Energy Policy Fellow at Center of the American Experiment. “Misguided alternative energy policies like wind and solar are driving Minnesota’s electricity costs higher while producing no measurable benefit to the environment.”  

The script of the ad follows:

Voice 1: Our electricity keeps getting more expensive. Now Xcel Energy wants a 21% price increase that will cost every family $222 a year. What is it for?

Voice 2: It is to pay for billions of dollars worth of wind turbines and solar panels. They cost more, and they aren’t reliable. They don’t help the environment, either. 

Voice 1: We don’t need higher prices, we need electricity that works all the time, not just when the wind is blowing or the sun is shining.

Paid for by Center of the American Experiment, Minnesota’s Think Tank.

The radio 30-day ad buy is substantial and covers the entire state. Click here to listen to the radio ads:


