Wednesday, April 1, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Admission: Free

Center of the American Experiment invites you to join us for a free 4-week live online course in public policy, featuring our expert economists and policy fellows. The first four Wednesdays in April, we will broadcast right to your laptop or phone during the noon lunch hour! Each Zoom webinar will be moderated by President John Hinderaker in a way that allows for maximum audience participation. And if you can’t make the live airing, everyone registered will be sent a video recording of the event after it has ended.

This is your chance to get all your questions on Minnesota policy answered by the experts! We look forward to seeing you virtually for our first live webinar on Wednesday, April 1st at noon.


April 1: John Phelan on What can state governments do to influence the economy?

April 8: Catrin Wigfall on How good are Minnesota’s public schools, really?

April 15: Isaac Orr on Everything wrong with the Green New Deal

April 22: Martha Njolomole on How regulation affects your everyday life

Questions? Contact Kathryn Hinderaker at [email protected] or (612) 428-7005.

Watch this recorded event here.