Happy Trails

The last six years working at Center of the American Experiment have been the most fun and professionally rewarding of our careers. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

Mitch and I have been tapped to lead a new energy venture and we are excited for the next chapter of our professional lives. Our last day at American Experiment will be Monday, May 6.

We are proud of the achievements we have made while at American Experiment:

Several readers reached out to me after we advertised a new energy policy fellow position, wondering if Mitch and I were leaving American Experiment, and we want everyone to know that this was not the plan. American Experiment hired Sarah Montalbano to help Mitch and me with the modeling projects and to redouble our efforts to make Minnesota a freer and more prosperous state. However, when this new opportunity presented itself, Mitch and I felt we had to take it.

Change can be difficult, and many of our readers don’t know what it’s like to go from one Superbowl-winning, Hall of Fame quarterback to the next, but the transition is often emotional, and sometimes people unfairly blame the newcomer for their predecessor’s departure. Please welcome Sarah to the American Experiment team as warmly as you welcomed us. She is an excellent writer and a talented researcher and you are all in very capable hands.

Mitch and I are incredibly grateful to the donors and supporters who made our time at American Experiment possible and to our readers who found value in our work. Most of all, we are grateful for the friends we made along the way. We hope you will keep in touch.

If you would like to keep tabs on our future work, you can subscribe to our Substack, Energy Bad Boys, or reach us at our new email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].

Rest assured that Center of the American Experiment is the Green Bay Packers of public policy organizations with a winning culture and the capability to cultivate the next crop of Minnesota energy policy experts. Although Mitch and I will no longer work at American Experiment, we remain committed to its success and its mission, and we know you are too.

Happy trails!

Isaac and Mitch