American Experiment update 

News of note in Minnesota: Center events, initiatives, and policy work.


On Thursday, Feb. 15, adjunct policy fellow Bill Glahn and Center president John Hinderaker hosted a webinar with an update on the COVID-19 related Feeding Our Future scandal. Glahn covered the latest federal indictments and convictions in an ongoing investigation that involves more than $250 million stolen from government funds.  

American Experiment policy fellows gave nonpartisan presentations to state legislators at the second annual Issues Bootcamp on Feb. 19 at the Capitol Ridge Building in St. Paul. The happy hour event, open to all Minnesota legislators regardless of party affiliation, was intended to educate and inform the members of the Minnesota Legislature and staff on the important issues in the legislative session.  

American Experiment president John Hinderaker traveled to Naples, Fla. on February 29 expounding on American Experiment’s vision regarding public safety, education, cost of living, and the Center’s fight to restore Minnesota’s future through sound public policy and grassroots activism. The Freedom Night in Naples has become an annual event. Hinderaker also traveled west to host a similar event March 26 in Phoenix, Ariz.  

Public safety policy fellow David Zimmer moderated a panel of experts, including Lakeville Rep. Jon Koznick, Dakota County Sheriff Joe Leko, and others at a town hall-style discussion of the North Star Act and illegal immigration’s impact on the state. The event took place at Brackett’s Crossing Country Club in Lakeville on Tuesday, April 2.  

On Thursday, April 11, American Experiment brought together Michele Tafoya and Joe Soucheray to discuss the intersection of sports, culture, and politics. The sold-out event took place at Golden Valley’s Metropolitan Ballroom and was moderated by Center president John Hinderaker.  

Center economist John Phelan presented his report, “The X-Factor? Social capital and economic well-being: A quantitative analysis” in Chicago at the Midwest Economics Association 88th annual meeting March 22.  

2024 Annual Dinner  

American Experiment’s 2024 Annual Dinner will feature Naftali Bennett, who served as Israel’s 13th Prime Minister from 2021 to 2022. He has also served as Israel’s Minister of Economy, Minister of Education, and Minister of Defense, among other high-level posts. 

The event will be held on Thursday, June 6 in the Twin Cities. Exact location details will be emailed to verified ticket holders at a later date. A cocktail reception begins at 5:30 p.m., ballroom doors open at 6:30, dinner and the program begin at 7:00. A YLC afterparty will follow. Go to for information and to purchase tickets. 


American Experiment has several issue campaigns drawing attention across the state. “Stop the Dig!” and “Say No to Gas Station Inflation” are two petitions highlighting the expense to taxpayers of the new State Office Building and the Walz administration’s proposed clean energy mandates, respectively.  

The Center also urges Minnesotans to take action against the Sanctuary State bill (HF 3459) by signing a petition telling Minnesota House and Senate members to oppose it. The bill would prohibit any Minnesota entity — law enforcement, state agency, or city government — from cooperating with federal immigration authorities.  

American Experiment quickly mobilized voters in the Twin Cities and across the state with messages to the Minneapolis City Council to not cancel rideshare apps Uber and Lyft.  

Greater Minnesota  

Center economist John Phelan presented in Mankato to a standing-room-only crowd on Feb. 8 at the Mankato Golf Club. The topic was the economic consequences of the DFL trifecta.  

On March 12 at the Owatonna VFW, policy fellow Isaac Orr presented “Sticker Shock: How liberal policies make energy expensive and unreliable,” related to Gov. Tim Walz’s proposed clean fuel standards.  

Center economist Martha Njolomole and communications director Bill Walsh delivered a presentation on Njolomole’s policy report, “A Ticking Time Bomb: Minnesota’s vast and expanding welfare system,” at the Rochester International Event Center on March 14. Says Rochester chapter chairman Fran Bradley: “American Experiment is proof that facts are powerful and stubborn. Rochester was honored to become the first Greater Minnesota chapter and we are happy that several more have been formed. We have enjoyed hosting Center programs and additional local issue forums.”  

Stay informed  

Readers of Thinking Minnesota can find daily updates on American Experiment’s activities and initiatives at While there, browse the Center’s merchandise, sign up for exclusive bonus content, and request a speaker.