Letters to the editor

We’ve got mail!

Circling the drain

“The Circle of Education Funding” article by Bill Walsh was excellent. It was a clear, concise, unbiased, non-political statement of fact. In my eight years on the K-12 Education Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, I analyzed dozens of contracts for dozens of school districts each year. A good rule of thumb is that steps and lanes basically double the cost of the announced contract. As stated in the article, when you read in the paper that teachers received a two percent raise, that means the entire scale was increased by two percent. The payroll increased by four percent. The community can decide whether that is reasonable or not. Transparency is the key.

— Ken Wolf

I read your “The Circle of Education Funding” article with interest. As a former Superintendent of Schools for over 30 years and Assistant Superintendent of Business, Operations, and Construction of the ninth-largest district in Minnesota, I noted the $68,000 contract and transparency comment. It is important to remember the fact that the total cost to the district is much higher when you include the following costs: teacher retirement, Social Security, sick leave, personal leave, professional leave, health insurance, dental insurance, and any other “negotiated” benefits! Thank you and all the American Experiment employees for your hard work informing Minnesotans.  

— Dr. Ronald Bratlie

What it’s all about

The 2023 YLC Summer Party was, for me, the beginning of a six-month relationship upon meeting who would become my girlfriend. The incredibly fruitful relationship ended, but the impact it had on my development as a man has been absolutely amazing. I continue maturing and growing stronger because of it. As a couple, we always talked about our experience at that party, and one could say American Experiment changed my life because of it. I hope this can serve as proof of the effectiveness these events have on networking conservative minds. 

— Jim Peterson
More information about American Experiment’s Young Leaders Council (YLC) can be found on our website (AmericanExperiment.org/ylc). 

Identity politics

I just read “Under the Microscope.” It was uncanny how you hit the nail on the head as far as my political views. I even have a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker on my pickup. The only time you missed the nail was I drive a Chevy Silverado, not a GMC. Yes, I even attend church regularly.

— Michael Roberts

I have gray hair and also drive a Subaru (I have for over 20 years). But that’s where my similarities to “Suzy” end. It’s clever alliteration, but reinforces a stupid stereotype that gets me targeted nearly every time I get behind the wheel. Pickup trucks, in particular, routinely try to intimidate me, tailgate, pass too closely, and use sign language, their drivers thinking that they’ve shown some liberal leftist lesbian what for. I’m none of that, obviously, because I read your publication. I drive the speed limit in a car that’s inexpensive to operate and goes well in the snow. So there.

— Valoree Dowell

Words of support

We are so happy to hear no one was injured. We are grateful for your work and the unwavering courage you bring with you as the staff go about their daily activities. Know you are called for this time and challenge.

Karen & Steve Jakala

We are so sorry for what you are going through because of the left-wing hatred of our nation & those who love it! You continue to be in our prayers that the perpetrators will be brought to real justice before they attack anyone else. Your work is critical to the success of honest government being brought to our state and nation.  

— Sue Zappa 

I am horrified and yet not completely surprised by this lawless act. The root problem of all of this madness is that those in power are operating without morals, without any sense of right and wrong, and a complete rejection of Judeo-Christian values upon which this country was founded. I will continue to support the cause and pray for a quick recovery from this relatively minor setback.

— Barry C. Brottlund

So sorry to hear about this. I hope they catch the cowards who are responsible soon. Glad to hear you are pressing on. Your organization does great work to help promote our conservative values in Minnesota and around the country. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

— Marshall Kelner

Editor’s note: After our offices were destroyed, we received many letters in support of American Experiment and our staff. We sincerely appreciate the outpouring of encouragement received from people in Minnesota and across the country. For this, we cannot adequately express our gratitude. We reprinted a sampling of the many letters we received, as they are too numerous to reprint them all here.