Minnesota’s Economic News — W/E 11/26/21
State and local taxes and spending
Star Tribune: Minnesota’s economic forecast coming after higher-than-predicted tax collections
The Neighbor: New Minnesota budget expands low-cost child care
Fox 9: Gov. Walz announces $160M in funding for child care assistance
KNSI: State Tax Collections Higher Than Expected
Waseca County News: Public comment reveals split between residents’ views on city taxes
Labor market
Bemidji Now: Unemployment numbers dropping, labor force smaller than it was pre-pandemic
St. Cloud Times: It’s time to listen and develop new tools to address labor crisis
Pioneer Press: First look at St. Paul’s $15 minimum wage: Some restaurants were shedding jobs before it took effect
Hometown Focus: Unemployment rate reaches pre-pandemic levels in Minnesota
Economic growth
Star Tribune: Entrepreneurs defy historic crisis with mighty resolve
Bemidji Pioneer: Could labor shortage stymie billions in new Minnesota infrastructure work?
Marshall Independent: Survey: COVID impact on manufacturing may be worse this year
Governing Magazine: Why the ‘Old North’ States Have Been Economic Laggards
Economic development
Minn Post: Officials say a shortage of housing, not jobs, is crimping economic development in Greater Minnesota