Minnesota’s Economic News — W/E 12/1/23
Star Tribune: Minneapolis council members seek study of proposals to hike rideshare drivers’ pay
Duluth News Tribune: Pro/Con: Strong requirements for prevailing wages help grow the economy
State and local taxes and spending
Rochester Post Bulletin: Letter: RPS referendum was unpopular in city, too
Minnesota Reformer: New St. Paul City Council has historic opportunity to expand the city’s tax base
Real Clear Policy: Iowa vs. Minnesota: The Future of State Fiscal Policy
Labor market
KROC: Rochester Jobless Rate Higher in October – First Time in a Decade
Minnesota Reformer: Twin Cities has higher employment in living-wage jobs compared to other metros
Economic development
Duluth News Tribune: Local View: Minnesota poised to go all in on hydrogen economy
Economic growth
Pope County Tribune: We need to ‘shop local’ every day
Marshall Independent: ‘Challenges and opportunities’ in Minnesota economy
Star Tribune: Minnesota will never see an economic force like the one created by women in last 40 years
Star Tribune: Minnesota’s inaugural racial equity index shows progress, but gaps remain across communities