Minnesota’s economic news, w/e 12/13/19
State and local taxes and spending
Star Tribune: Where does all Minnesota’s tobacco tax revenue go?
KTTC: Billion dollar budget surplus for Minnesota draws different reactions
Minn Post: Four takeaways from Minnesota’s latest budget forecast
Austin Daily Herald: City holds annual Truth in Taxation Hearing; 2020 proposed tax levy set at $7.15 million
Alexandria Echo Press: Proposed levies are a mixed bag in Douglas County
Lonsdale News Review: Despite grumbling, Rice Co. property taxes are among state’s lowest
Spring Hill Insider: Legislative Auditor: Minnesota R&D Tax Credit Lacks Explicit Purpose, Doesn‘t Pay For Itself
Duluth News Tribune: Opinion Roundup: State surplus sparks slew of sentiments
MPR News: In cabin country, rental property could get new tax treatment
Brainerd Dispatch: Few residents attend Cass County truth in taxation hearing
Grand Forks Herald: East Grand Forks readies 2020 budget
Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal: Got a cabin? Rent your cabin? You may be in for a big tax hike
Mankato Free Press: Our View: Raising taxes on vaping products would help kids
Litchfield Independent Review: Commentary: What should Minnesota’s government do with its forecast surplus?
Bluff Country Newspaper Group: Phillips: How would you spend your surplus?
Park Rapids Enterprise: Property owners ask Hubbard County to reduce taxes
Star Tribune: Minneapolis City Council approves $1.6 billion budget for 2020
Monticello Times: Monticello tax levy to increase 4.8 percent
Marshall Independent: Marshall considers setting $7M levy
West Central Tribune: Minnesota Opinion: Compromise is in order for state budget surplus
The Center Square: Minneapolis City Council passes $1.6B budget, largest property tax increase in a decade
Bring Me the News: Rep. Dean Phillips trying to repeal cap on state and local tax deductions that particularly hurt his district
Economic growth
Alexandria Echo Press: Minnesota officials forecast slow economic growth, warn of uncertainties
St Cloud Times: Quarterly Business Review: Area economy enters uncertain period
Star Tribune: Microdistilleries prepare for worst as tax relief set to expire
KAALTV: Small business owners look ahead to 2020 economy
KIMT 3: Rochester Chamber president upbeat about future
Rochester Post Bulletin: Minnesota microdistilleries brace for ‘perfect storm’
Economic development
Star Tribune: Minnesota invests $412,515 into four expanding plants. Gains 35 new jobs
Twin Cities Business: Four Minnesota Businesses to Receive State Money for Job Creation
Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal: Back-from-dead Angel Tax Credit behind 70 investments in 2019, with more still available
John Phelan is an economist at the Center of the American Experiment.