Minnesota’s Economic News — W/E 2/25/22

Economic development

Duluth News Tribune: Local View: Mining isn’t Minnesota’s future; natural resources are

Finance & Commerce: Rochester-area fund looks to spur development

Star Tribune: Counterpoint: We must welcome investment in northern Minnesota

State and local taxes and spending

Rochester Post Bulletin: Letter: SS tax elimination mostly benefits wealthy retirees

Minn Post: State officials reveal how much total COVID relief money Minnesota — and Minnesotans — got from the feds: $73 billion

Duluth News Tribune: Lawmakers’ View: Minnesota must end its unfair double tax on Social Security

The Center Square: Minnesota senators propose increasing allocations to Highway User Tax Distribution Fund

Fox 9: GOP plan axes Minnesota’s Social Security income tax, DFL sees it as gift for well-to-do

Kare 11: New push to devote all auto parts sales tax to roads

Kare 11: Republicans pitch state income tax cuts

KSTP: Minnesota GOP senators pitch billions in tax cuts

Economic growth

The Center Square: How the Cost of Living in Minnesota Compares to the Nation

Kare 11: Minnesota is seeing a record number of new businesses during the COVID pandemic

Star Tribune: Gas, food prices expected to rise in Minnesota due to Russian attack on Ukraine


Star Tribune: Minnesota grain traders monitor conflict in ag-rich Ukraine


Star Tribune: DFL legislators hope to ban noncompete clauses for many workers

Albert Lea Tribune: My Point of View: Streamlining Minnesota’s regulatory environment will help businesses