Minnesota’s economic news, w/e 4/6/17

Minimum wage

MPR NewsLocal control v. statewide standard — battle over preemption continues


InForumLetter: Recent legislation has been tough on businesses in Minn. border cities

Mesabi Daily News: State, local chambers pushing legislature for tax reform

Economic development

Owatonna People’s PressSouthern Minnesota Initiative Foundation seeking applications for FEAST! Smart Start Grants

Duluth News TribuneQ&A with Neel Kashkari, president of the Minneapolis Fed

Minn PostThe Bemidji State bump: How one small-town university buoys the local economy

Minneapolis/St. Paul Business JournalMinnesota’s Top 75 Public Companies: The bigger the better


Star TribuneState farmers would have much to lose in a U.S.-China trade war

Star TribuneMinnesota companies aren’t panicking about potential fallout from tariffs battle

WDAY6Trade war with China may have impact on local economy

KTTCPossible trade war hits rural Minnesota

Janesville ArgusShort takes: State ag chairs talk tariffs

Star Tribune: Minnesota has millions at stake as China targets soybeans

WCCOSoy Bean Farmers Decry Trump’s ‘Trade War’ With China

KEYCPotential Chinese Tariffs Already Impacting Minnesota Farmers

Labor market

Wahepton Daily NewsMN job rate shows tight labor market

Hutchinson LeaderState sees growth in low-, high-wage jobs

Star TribuneTwin Cities tech employment grew 1.6 percent last year, but many jobs go unfilled

Hutchinson LeaderUnemployment rate falls statewide and in McLeod, Meeker counties

Minn PostHiring crisis: While economy grows, wages for social service professionals aren’t keeping up

Economic growth

MPR NewsReport: Midwest business conditions index rose again

Rochester Post BulletinMidwest economy: March state-by-state glance

Star Tribune: Midwest manufacturing expands for 16th straight month in March

WDIOMinneapolis Federal Reserve President: Northland Economy “Doing Well”


Rochester Post BulletinFarming is the backbone of regional economy

John Phelan is an economist at Center of the American Experiment.