Minnesota’s economic news, w/e 6/1/17
State taxes
Crookston Times: Minnesota Perspectives – Gov. Dayton’s veto needlessly hurts ordinary Minnesotans
Star Tribune: Counterpoint: Gov. Dayton made the right call in vetoing state tax bill
Pioneer Press: Working Minnesotans will fill out more forms to pay more taxes
Duluth News Tribune: With veto from Dayton, Minnesotans to pay $850 million more in taxes
WNAX: Farm Bureau President Disappointed With Minnesota Governor’s Vetos Of Ag Legislation
Enbridge 3
Pine Journal: Court ruling on Enbridge property taxes brings bad news for county
Bemidji Pioneer: Enbridge pledges to work with counties on tax issue
Mesabi Daily News: Dayton doesn’t know what’s best for us
Duluth News Tribune: Local View: To keep grads, have good jobs — including work in copper mining
The Timberjay: New mine proposal confirms scale-back
Economic development
Star Tribune: Austin takes ‘welcoming’ to next level with immigrant entrepreneur program
Owatonna People’s Press: Finally: Highway 14 expansion from Owatonna to Dodge Center officially fully funded
Lillie News: Metro State home to Minnesota’s first ‘cyber range’
Economic growth
Faribault Daily News: Minnesota tourism industry forecasts solid summer travel season
Rochester Post Bulletin: Survey report suggests Midwest economy still steaming ahead
Labor market
Duluth News Tribune: Regional job numbers stay positive in April
Twin Cities Business: Labor Shortage is Hurting Minnesota’s Employment Growth
The Timberjay: Workforce woes – Access to child care is linked to the region’s need for more workers
Mankato Free Press: Lots of jobs available, but pay generally low
Super Bowl LII
Grand Forks Herald: Minnesota Super Bowl adds $400 million to economy
MPR News: Minneapolis Super Bowl netted $370 million, report says
Pioneer Press: Super Bowl LII bottom line: Who came, how much they spent and how we compare
Rochester Post Bulletin: Report: Super Bowl brought $370M to economy of Twin Cities
Star Tribune: Stakes are high in soybean country if China adopts tariffs on U.S. agricultural exports
Duluth News Tribune: Statewide View: Protect Minnesota innovators, creators in NAFTA redo
John Phelan is an economist at Center of the American Experiment.