Minnesota’s economic news, w/e 6/1/17

State taxes

Crookston TimesMinnesota Perspectives – Gov. Dayton’s veto needlessly hurts ordinary Minnesotans

Star Tribune: Counterpoint: Gov. Dayton made the right call in vetoing state tax bill

Pioneer PressWorking Minnesotans will fill out more forms to pay more taxes

Duluth News TribuneWith veto from Dayton, Minnesotans to pay $850 million more in taxes


WNAXFarm Bureau President Disappointed With Minnesota Governor’s Vetos Of Ag Legislation

Enbridge 3

Pine JournalCourt ruling on Enbridge property taxes brings bad news for county

Bemidji PioneerEnbridge pledges to work with counties on tax issue


Mesabi Daily News: Dayton doesn’t know what’s best for us

Duluth News TribuneLocal View: To keep grads, have good jobs — including work in copper mining

The TimberjayNew mine proposal confirms scale-back

Economic development

Star TribuneAustin takes ‘welcoming’ to next level with immigrant entrepreneur program

Owatonna People’s PressFinally: Highway 14 expansion from Owatonna to Dodge Center officially fully funded

Lillie NewsMetro State home to Minnesota’s first ‘cyber range’

Economic growth

Faribault Daily NewsMinnesota tourism industry forecasts solid summer travel season

Rochester Post BulletinSurvey report suggests Midwest economy still steaming ahead

Labor market

Duluth News TribuneRegional job numbers stay positive in April

Twin Cities BusinessLabor Shortage is Hurting Minnesota’s Employment Growth

The TimberjayWorkforce woes – Access to child care is linked to the region’s need for more workers

Mankato Free PressLots of jobs available, but pay generally low

Super Bowl LII

Grand Forks HeraldMinnesota Super Bowl adds $400 million to economy

MPR NewsMinneapolis Super Bowl netted $370 million, report says

Pioneer PressSuper Bowl LII bottom line: Who came, how much they spent and how we compare

Rochester Post BulletinReport: Super Bowl brought $370M to economy of Twin Cities


Star TribuneStakes are high in soybean country if China adopts tariffs on U.S. agricultural exports

Duluth News TribuneStatewide View: Protect Minnesota innovators, creators in NAFTA redo

John Phelan is an economist at Center of the American Experiment.