Minnesota’s economic news, w/e 6/8/18

Economic development

Faribault Daily NewsInfrastructure bill a big win for Minnesotans, Hwy. 14 finally funded

Minn PostWind energy: new revenue, new jobs, new hope

Owatonna People’s PressOwatonna to host the State of Manufacturing Event in June

The GlobeSeveral southwest Minnesota communities are officially ‘Opportunity Zones’

Enbridge 3

Star Tribune: Enbridge makes new pledges as a decision on its proposed pipeline nears

State taxes

KEYCNew Tax Reform: Becoming Familiar With Your Taxes

Economic growth

Rochester Post BulletinMidwest economy: May state-by-state glance

Star TribuneMidwest manufacturing index hits 14-year high

Albert Lea TribuneReport: Midwest economy is still steaming ahead


Star Tribune: Minnesota firms brace for retaliation as potential trade war looms

Pioneer PressEditorial: Appreciating our ports — and Minnesota’s investment in them

Star Tribune: Accelerating trade war to throw Minnesota hog farmers into the red

Star Tribune: Trump’s tariffs hurt Minnesota, U.S.

Star Tribune: Minnesota’s Trade Office hires promoters in seven parts of the world

Finance & CommerceMinnesota opens 7 foreign trade offices

Labor market

Star Tribune: Dean Foods to close Thief River Falls milk plant, lay off 52 workers

Mankato Free PressOur View: Low wages continue to plague area

WCCOShould St. Paul Raise Its Minimum Wage?

Federal taxes

Minneapolis/St. Paul Business JournalTax on big paychecks may pinch Minnesota health care providers

John Phelan is an economist at Center of the American Experiment.