Minnesota’s Economic News — W/E 8/4/23
Labor market
KROX: Minnesota labor force grows for four straight months
KRWC: Wright County Unemployment Up in June, New High for Available Labor Force in Nearly Three Years
KPVI: Metros in Minnesota where jobs are growing fastest
Star Tribune: Older workers face hurdles in job searches even with historically low unemployment
State and local taxes and spending
Rochester Post Bulletin: Voters to decide on $10 million a year request from Rochester Public Schools
KROC: Rochester School Board Vote Expected Tonight on Levy Referendum
Rochester Post Bulletin: Olmsted County property tax levy increase remains uncertain
Duluth News Tribune: Minnesota Chamber President’s View: Unbridled spending won’t result in another ‘Minnesota miracle’
Fox 9: Minnesota’s bond rating remains at AAA
KDUZ: Gov Walz announces MN has maintained AAA bond ratings
KEYC: Minnesota maintains AAA bond ratings from credit rating agencies
Fox Business: Minneapolis Uber, Lyft drivers want minimum wage, companies say it could be worse for riders
MPR News: Uber and Lyft drivers demand better benefits from local leaders