Minnesota’s Economic News — W/E 9/30/22
State and local taxes and spending
CBS News: Minnesota not collecting as much tax revenue as it could on newly legal THC edibles
West Central Tribune: City of Willmar proposing a nearly $2 million levy increase for 2023
The Timberjay: County board approves 4.39 percent preliminary levy hike
Park Rapids Enterprise: Hubbard County sets 19% levy increase, capturing 10% from Line 3 tax capacity
Duluth News Tribune: Duluth Council to consider how to spend more than $13 million in tourism tax collections
Alexandria Echo Press: Alexandria proposes 5.77% tax levy increase next year
Waseca County News: Cities around the county send in preliminary tax levies
Duluth News Tribune: Duluth City Council approves up to 8.9% city levy hike
Pioneer Press: St. Paul homeowners face 15% tax increases as values outpace other property types
Star Tribune: Proposed 15% property tax hike in St. Paul draws ire
The Timberjay: School tax levy to drop in 2023
Grand Rapids Herald Review: Vote yes on county sales tax
Winona Post: Local tax hikes are unsustainable
St. Peter Herald: With values rising, most St. Peter property owners likely to pay more taxes in 2023
Labor market
Finance & Commerce: Minnesota construction companies retaining workers in volatile labor market
Star Tribune: Gap in ‘real’ pay between ‘stayers’ and ‘switchers’ grows in Minnesota
Red Lake Nation News: New DEED Research Reveals Most Minnesota Workers who Recently Switched Employers Saw Real Wage Gains
Economic growth
KSTP: Minnesota economic experts discuss ‘Bear Market’ as stocks dip
Economic development
KTTC: Rochester Area Economic Development to offer business development services to entrepreneurs
KEYC: Tour of Manufacturing highlights industry in southern Minnesota