Post-COVID, support for educational freedom continues to soar

The concept of educational freedom continues to receive overwhelming national support at 71 percent, according to a new poll from RealClear Opinion Research released by the American Federation for Children (AFC).

The poll surveyed 1,000 registered voters during the last week of June on whether they supported or opposed the concept of school choice after they were told that school choice “gives parents the right to use the tax dollars designated for their child’s education to send their child to the public or private school which best serves their needs.”

Majority support for such a policy spans the political, racial/ethnic, geographic, and age spectrums, including 66 percent of Democrats, 73 percent of black voters, 71 percent of Hispanic voters, 70 percent of Asian voters, and 74 percent of those ages 18 to 34.

Since April 2020, overall support for educational freedom has increased seven percentage points — from 64 percent to 71 percent. Democratic support has also ticked up seven percentage points over the same timeframe, and Asian support a stunning 14 percentage points.

These national results mirror results from American Experiment’s Thinking Minnesota Poll conducted in May, which asked Minnesotans the same question on school choice — 74 percent of respondents support the policy overall, including 61 percent of Minnesotans who identify as Democrats.

The political reality of support for educational freedom is such that “legislators must respond,” writes AFC. “…[P]oliticians who ignore this reality do so at their own peril.”

In the last seven months, 19 states have added new or expanded existing school choice programs. Given the momentum behind educational freedom in neighboring states and across the country, it is time for Minnesota to listen to its residents and ensure all its students can access the learning environment that helps them reach their fullest potential. Learn more here.