Saint Paul Public Library celebrates Pride with Drag Story Hour: All Ages Welcome?

Just when you thought the cultural left (or whatever we call it these days) had gone too far, the Saint Paul Public Library, and other publicly funded libraries across the country, announced their idea of “summer reading” and entertainment for our children: a drag queen show.

Drag performers will regale families with glitz, glamor, and stories about acceptance and inclusion at three Saint Paul libraries. 

It looks more like Halloween, for adults. Well, they are not hiding their aggressive agenda or their desire to get at children as soon as possible.

But children cannot get to the library without a parent or sitter taking them there, right? And libraries need funds to operate, so after we quickly get over the shock of this, what do you say we do something about it?

Otherwise, the next place this is going to happen is at our K-12 schools where children are a captive audience, and teachers are between a rock and a hard place. If they object, they put their job at risk.

St. Paul residents are paying for this. If you read below, I have pasted in a page on how this public library gets funding: it is a mix of city tax dollars and private donations. That means you can affect change by asking elected officials to act, and by starting a campaign with donors to withdraw funds. According to an Office of Legislative Auditor 2010 report, the state provides behind the scenes support and grants to libraries in Minnesota. It would not surprise me if there are state funds, legacy funds, involved.

If you live in St. Paul, or these neighborhoods, would you let the libraries know that you object to subjecting children to a political and cultural agenda (this is child abuse), and that taxpayer fund are being used is simply outrageous.

Please write to your mayor and city council, and state legislators, too. And copy the head of St. Paul Library. Her name is Beth Burns 651-288- 0411 | [email protected]

Here is the staff directory. 

Please ask the good people of St. Paul say, “enough” and “hands off our kids.” St. Paul is traditionally very far to the left politically, and culturally. Surely there are a few good liberals around who will look at this and say the St. Paul Library needs a time out.


Here is the email announcing the summer reading program (drag queens read a book about children who dress up etc. and then perform a drag show, no doubt including children in the dancing):

SAINT PAUL, MN – Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) will host three Drag Story Hours for families in June and July in celebration of Pride. Each event will feature two performers who will read stories, sing songs, and strut their stuff for an over-the-top story hour. All ages are welcome.

“Drag pushes people to break boundaries and explore creativity, ” said Chad Kampe, founder and director of Flip Phone. “At a very young age, we are taught to embrace our differences. Drag not only provides an opportunity to embrace who we are, it allows for us to broadcast and share who we are with the world.”

Drag Story Hour Events (registration is not required)

June 11, 5 p.m.:  Rondo (461 Dale St N) featuring Utica & Sasha Cassadine

June 16, 1 p.m.: Riverview (1 E George St) featuring Blaze Bordeaux and Fiona Fierce

July 11, 10:30 a.m., George Latimer Central (90 4th St W) featuring Anya DeGrant and Damien D’Luxe

SPPL will live stream the June 11 event at Rondo on Facebook. Stay tuned to the library’s Twitter and Facebook accounts for more information about the broadcast.

In addition to Drag Story Hour, patrons can find a selection of staff-recommended materials on the library’s website for Pride, including a fun primer on drag culture with recommended DVDs, books, and online resources. Learn more at

We Belong Together is SPPL’s inclusivity campaign, launched in early 2017 in response to the Trump Administration’s so-called “Travel Ban.” Grounded in the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights, the campaign positions the Library as a cornerstone of a thriving Saint Paul: welcoming people of all ages and cultures; strengthening neighborhoods and learning networks; and inspiring all with the world of ideas.

Saint Paul Public Library will join other Metro-area libraries in celebrating Pride month at the 2018 Twin Cities Pride Festival on June 23 and 24 in Loring Park in Minneapolis. Stop by the library’s booth for book recommendations, information about resources, and free swag!


Who funds the Library, anyway?

by Friends Of SPPL March 23, 2018

The short answer is, you do.

Saint Paul Public Library is part of the City of Saint Paul, so a portion of your tax dollars goes towards keeping SPPL branches running. But even in a city that loves its libraries, public funding isn’t enough for libraries to provide all the important resources that residents seek.

That’s where you come in—again.

Thousands of individuals like you make donations to The Friends each year, which help Saint Paul Public Libraries serve as vital centers for community connection, education, and inspiration. As an independent nonprofit, The Friends invests in libraries so that they, and the communities they serve, thrive.

Here’s what we’ve been able to accomplish together:

  • $15 millionfor Saint Paul Public Library capital projects since 1997.
  • $13+ millionraised and granted to SPPL for operating support and special projects since 1997.
  • $43.5 millionin new funding from the City of Saint Paul thanks to Friends’ advocacy since 1992.

Here’s how The Friends invests:

The Friends advocates for Saint Paul Public Library by engaging citizens and elected officials to support and sustain public investment.

Each year, The Friends works with Saint Paul Public Library leadership to determine funding priorities and create an advocacy platform based on those needs. The Friends then presents that platform to the Mayor and City Council to request that the Library funding priorities are part of the City’s annual budget.


We raise funds from thousands of supporters so that the Library can offer inspiration, information, and space for people of every age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background. We raise general operation and special project funds to support the ongoing operations of SPPL.

The Friends connects people to libraries through a range of cultural programs. For more than 25 years, we have offered programs that entertain, enrich, and nourish curious minds.

People like you make the Saint Paul Public Library strong for all of our residents. Click here to support the library you love.