Special screening of the movie Little Pink House: Friday night April 27 at the Lagoon Cinema
Don’t miss this film! (It should be at the Lagoon for at least a week.)
We received this invitation to join staff and attorneys from the Institute of Justice (IJ) at a special screening of the movie Little Pink House:
As you may know, Little Pink House showcases the true story of IJ client Susette Kelo, a small-town paramedic who buys her first home—a cottage—and paints it pink. When politicians plan to bulldoze it for a corporation, she fights back, taking her case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Even after she lost in court, her struggle sparked a nationwide backlash against eminent domain abuse that today helps millions of Americans better protect what is rightfully theirs. You can watch the film trailer here.
Special Screening of Little Pink House on Friday, April 27 at 7:30 PM CDT at the Lagoon Cinema 1320 Lagoon Avenue, Minneapolis MN 55408
After the film there will be a Q&A session with IJ attorneys Lee McGrath and Anthony Sanders, who have been instrumental in IJ’s fight against eminent domain abuse—in Minnesota and elsewhere.
If you’d like to join IJ, you can purchase tickets here: https://www.landmarktheatres.com/minneapolis/lagoon-cinema/film-info/little-pink-house
I hope you’ll be able to make it to this special screening—and bring family or friends. Little Pink House is a wonderful portrayal of the enduring impact of one woman’s courage—and IJ’s unwavering legal and grassroots efforts. It’s a terrific opportunity to introduce newcomers to our work and encourage them to join our fight to restore vital constitutional protections for individual liberty.
I have seen the movie–it is top-rate and inspiring. It proves that one person can make a difference on very big things.
Kim Crockett, Esq.