Statement from Energy Policy Fellow Isaac Orr Regarding Boswell Energy going “coal free.”

Background: Minnesota Power announced they will be closing or converting the Boswell Energy Center’s remaining units in Cohasset to be “coal free” by 2035. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) data show Boswell is one of the lowest-cost electricity sources in the state, generating electricity for less than $32 per megawatt-hour in 2018.

“Closing or converting Boswell and building a combination of wind, solar, and natural gas will increase electricity prices for families, businesses, and large industrial consumers.”

“Boswell is essential to providing Minnesota’s iron mines and paper mills with the affordable, reliable energy they need. Losing the plant puts those industries and the families that rely on them at risk. The entire region will suffer from this decision.”

Minnesota Power says electricity will remain affordable, but this is a subjective term that is entirely devoid of meaning. Electricity prices will rise. Minnesota Power should be honest about that.”
