Survey says Minnesotans disagree with Governor Walz’s Green New permitting rules
Minnesotans oppose the Walz administration’s attempt to impose more red tape on businesses, according to the administration’s own survey. The new regulations would force project proposers to spend $13,000 to quantify their greenhouse gas emissions as part of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet, or an Environmental Impact Statement.
According to this summary of the survey results from the administration’s Environmental Quality Board (EQB):
3.7 Survey Question 7 Responses
A total of 495 out of 496 survey respondents answered question 7: Please register your level of agreement/disagreement with the following statement: A new category requiring preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement related to greenhouse gas emissions is important for Minnesota.
Table 3-7 provides the breakdown of the responses received. A total of 49% of respondents either strongly disagree or disagree that a new category requiring preparation of an EIS related to greenhouse gas emissions is important for Minnesota. Similarly, a total of 46% of respondents either strongly agree or agree that a new category requiring preparation of an EIS related to greenhouse gas emissions is important for Minnesota.
Despite the fact that Minnesotans have already said they disagree with the rules, the administration is pushing forward with these unpopular regulations, which is why we need to keep the pressure on the EQB.
To this effect, please sign our petition telling the EQB that you oppose the new regulations.