Disappearing wind turbines almost leaves Alberta, Canada in the dark
The following article is one of the best explanations of what happened in Alberta, Canada, during the cold snap. It was written on Substack by Penguin Empire Reports. Click the…
The following article is one of the best explanations of what happened in Alberta, Canada, during the cold snap. It was written on Substack by Penguin Empire Reports. Click the…
Did you know there is already a non-ferrous mine operating in the same watershed as the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on the Canadian side of the border? The mine,…
Exactly one year ago today, the Star Tribune ran a story called “Oil demand questioned as Line 3 permit hits appeals court” in the printed version of the paper. The…
A new billboard that has appeared in Edmonton, Alberta (home of the Oilers hockey team) asks Albertans the question, “Should Alberta join the USA?” For those of you who are…
The news broke last Friday that Xcel Energy is proposing a massive 15.2 percent increase in their electricity prices to cover the company’s desire to spend $466 million over the…
Last week’s decision by the Minnesota Supreme Court to deny a round of appeals attempting to further delay the construction of the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline was a rare win…
While liberal environmental groups continue to file lawsuits to obstruct the permitting process for non-ferrous mining in Minnesota, Canada has permitted another mine. The latest mine permitted will develop gold…
The following article originally appeared in the Toronto Sun: The majority of Canadians support battling climate change but don’t want to cough up more than $200 a year in carbon tax.…
On Monday the Minnesota Court of Appeals stated an environmental review of Enbridge’s controversial Line 3 oil pipeline was “inadequate” because it did not consider the effects of an oil…
Line 3 opponents often argue the Governor should deep-six the oil pipeline replacement project because it would lock in oil use for the foreseeable future when we should, in reality be…
In Canada, pressure against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax is mounting, as Manitoba did a sudden about-face on its intention to impose a $25-per-tonne carbon price this fall. The Canadian…
Did you know Minnesota has promising potential as gold-mining state?