Transgender Toolkit for MN Schools [UPDATE]
The MN Department of Education’s (MDE) School Safety Technical Assistance Council is a week away from approving its controversial transgender and gender nonconforming “resource toolkit.”
The initial 29-page document that I wrote about here purported to be a compilation of “best practices that schools can use” to address gender identity and focused on a contentious Title IX transgender policy imposed by the Obama administration that is no longer in effect.
The second version of “A Toolkit for Ensuring Safe and Supportive Schools for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students”—now 10 pages in length—still informs schools they “need to ensure” students can access facilities consistent with their gender identity so they do not feel “stigmatized.”
Here’s how the toolkit says to respond to students who are uncomfortable about sharing facilities with someone of the opposite biological sex:
Privacy objections raised by a student in interacting with a transgender or gender nonconforming student may be addressed by segregating the student raising the objection provided that the action of the school officials does not result in stigmatizing the transgender and gender nonconforming student. (emphasis added)
Minnesota public schools should not be pressured to implement school policies that do not protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of all students. Nor should schools shift their focus from educational excellence to gender identity activism.
MDE’s Council will hold a public meeting next Wednesday, July 19, from 3-5 p.m., at the Minnesota Department of Education, Conference Center B, Room 15, to discuss and act on the revised toolkit. All are welcome to attend.