American Experiment Talks Energy Policy on Up and At ‘Em Podcast
I was recently on the Up and At ‘Em Podcast, a daily podcast that discusses politics in Minnesota, to discuss energy policy in the state. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here.
The podcast covers a variety of topics, but the overarching theme is a discussion of how government regulations have distorted energy markets to the detriment of consumers.
Here are a few of the major features in the discussion:
- Where does our energy come from? Predominantly fossil fuels.
- Growth in renewable energy is driven by state renewable energy mandates and federal subsidies that pick winners and losers.
- Unless these policies are repealed, there cannot be a free market for energy.
- How much global warming would renewable sources potentially avert?
- A discussion about the giveaway for wind developers that was included in the Minnesota House of Representatives omnibus package as part of H.F. 4289, and why it was a bad idea (more on this tomorrow).
- Why building wind turbines before we have economic battery storage is putting the cart before the horse.
- A brief discussion about why net-metering, a program that requires utility companies to purchase electricity generated from rooftop solar systems, is a bad idea and not a free-market policy.
This podcast was a fun discussion that hopefully didn’t go too far into the weeds. Enjoy!