Are Zoomers flocking to Minneapolis?

If not, they should be, according to a hitherto unknown website.

Local media love any list where Minneapolis scores well. A real-estate website called “Commercial Cafe” published a list of top destinations for Generation Z adults (now aged 18-25). On their list, Minneapolis ranks 2nd behind Atlanta.

The website ranked cities on eight criteria, but not including anything on crime or climate. Here is their top ten, with share of 20-somethings highlighted.

They actually ranked the top 20 cities out of 45 considered and their larger top 20 list included midwestern Omaha, Milwaukee, and Chicago.

Minneapolis scored high on affordability and low unemployment. It also scores high on the percentage of young adults already living there.

Quoting Commercial Cafe:

Generation Zers are graduating and looking for their first jobs — and with the ubiquity of remote jobs, they have more flexibility than ever in choosing where they settle down. With this in mind, we set out to rank the cities that have the most potential as Generation Z havens.

I’ve previously written about how Minneapolis’ business model depends on a massive annual influx of 20-something recent college graduates. Perhaps lists like this one will attract those unaware of the city’s rampant crime and crumbling civic order.