Billboards School Thousands of NEA Members Coming to Twin Cities

Keep an eye out for American Experiment’s newest round of electronic billboards popping up this week in the Twin Cities. Timing is everything with the billboards going live just before for Independence Day on July 4, as well as the Janus v. AFSCME case expected to be decided by the US Supreme Court on Wednesday.

The issue before the high court concerns whether public employees, including teachers, can be compelled to pay union fees as a condition of employment. The billboard points teachers to the website with information on how public employees, particularly more than 70,000 Minnesota teachers, can opt out of Educated Minnesota or other public employee unions.

A second electronic message will be prominently displayed near the Minneapolis Convention Center to welcome thousands of members of the National Education Association to the Twin Cities for their annual convention this weekend.  It’s a great opportunity to school the NEA on the ABC’s of employee freedom and education reform.