Keith Ellison Endorses Political Violence
Shockingly, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has come out in favor of political violence. Yesterday he tweeted an endorsement of the fascist Antifa group, which has rioted in cities across the country. Antifa members wear masks and wield baseball bats and ax handles, attacking innocent bystanders, smashing store windows, burning vehicles, and otherwise engaging in political violence. Yesterday Ellison tweeted this photo of himself with Antifa’s manifesto:
Ellison added:
At @MoonPalaceBooks and I just found the book that strike [sic] fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump
I think Ellison is delusional when it comes to President Trump, but Antifa’s thugs do indeed scare other people, like this innocent bystander whom Ellison’s heroes viciously beat in Berkeley:
For more about Antifa’s fascist violence, go here. Keith Ellison advocates this:
Keith Ellison thinks burning cars is admirable:
Keith Ellison approves of burning the American flag:
Keith Ellison advocates beating people up. Hey, you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs!
Keith Ellison doesn’t think these people represent vicious criminality, he thinks they are democracy in action:
Keith Ellison has no business serving as deputy chairman of the DNC, and he has no business representing Minnesota’s 5th District in Congress. Al Franken was drummed out of the Senate for much, much less.