Minnesota’s economic news, w/e 4/13/17


Minn PostWhy China’s plan to levy a tariff on soybeans matters — especially to Minnesota

KEYC: Ketelsen Report: Farmers Show Concern Over Trade Dispute with China

Albert Lea TribunePossible soybean tariffs worry local farmers

Hastings Star GazetteMexico, Canada, Minnesota officials agree trade is important

MPR NewsMinnesota’s two largest export markets push for NAFTA renewal

Business NorthSteel tariffs get mixed reviews

Minn PostFor Minnesota’s Trump-boosting congressional candidates, trade war rhetoric creates political divide

McLeod County ChronicleFeds need to be careful with China trade

Labor market

St Cloud TimesForcing Liberians back to homeland could cost Minnesota

KNSI: Companies adding jobs

Minn PostTo combat the looming workforce shortage, Minneapolis looks beyond its boundaries


Mesabi Daily News: Twin Cities disdain for Range shows on Polymet

Economic development

Brainerd DispatchPerforming arts center question connects history, new economic study

WJON: State grants to create 400 new jobs in St. Cloud

Mankato Free PressExpert: Southern Minnesota possesses what a changing future will demand

State finances

Grand Forks HeraldCiting rare opportunity, Minnesota group hopes 2018 brings change to tax structure

Walker Pilot-IndependentMinnesota lawmakers consider constitutional amendment to lock in road funds (TN TEST)

White Bear PressMinnesotans need tax relief

Pioneer PressEditorial: Business is good, but there’s risk, legislators

WatchdogReport: Minnesota has 11th highest tax burden in U.S.

Winona Daily NewsOther view: Budgeting by constitutional amendment is a bad strategy


Rochester Post BulletinMinnesota farmers fear ethanol changes could be worse than soy tariffs

John Phelan is an economist at Center of the American Experiment.