Minnesota’s economic news, w/e 4/13/17
Minn Post: Why China’s plan to levy a tariff on soybeans matters — especially to Minnesota
KEYC: Ketelsen Report: Farmers Show Concern Over Trade Dispute with China
Albert Lea Tribune: Possible soybean tariffs worry local farmers
Hastings Star Gazette: Mexico, Canada, Minnesota officials agree trade is important
MPR News: Minnesota’s two largest export markets push for NAFTA renewal
Business North: Steel tariffs get mixed reviews
Minn Post: For Minnesota’s Trump-boosting congressional candidates, trade war rhetoric creates political divide
McLeod County Chronicle: Feds need to be careful with China trade
Labor market
St Cloud Times: Forcing Liberians back to homeland could cost Minnesota
KNSI: Companies adding jobs
Minn Post: To combat the looming workforce shortage, Minneapolis looks beyond its boundaries
Mesabi Daily News: Twin Cities disdain for Range shows on Polymet
Economic development
Brainerd Dispatch: Performing arts center question connects history, new economic study
WJON: State grants to create 400 new jobs in St. Cloud
Mankato Free Press: Expert: Southern Minnesota possesses what a changing future will demand
State finances
Grand Forks Herald: Citing rare opportunity, Minnesota group hopes 2018 brings change to tax structure
Walker Pilot-Independent: Minnesota lawmakers consider constitutional amendment to lock in road funds (TN TEST)
White Bear Press: Minnesotans need tax relief
Pioneer Press: Editorial: Business is good, but there’s risk, legislators
Watchdog: Report: Minnesota has 11th highest tax burden in U.S.
Winona Daily News: Other view: Budgeting by constitutional amendment is a bad strategy
Rochester Post Bulletin: Minnesota farmers fear ethanol changes could be worse than soy tariffs
John Phelan is an economist at Center of the American Experiment.