U.S. Reps. Stauber and Tiffany to talk energy leadership at American Experiment press conference
Center of the American Experiment will hold a press conference in Duluth on Wednesday, August 24 to announce our new report, Energy Leadership: How American Energy Production Can Make the World Safer.
We are proud to be joined by Congressmen Pete Stauber (MN-08) and Tom Tiffany (WI-07) for the launch of this report because, as members of the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, they understand the importance of reforming the regulations that are preventing American industry from leading the charge for secure, affordable supplies of energy and making the world a safer place.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made it clear that the world is suffering from a debilitating lack of energy leadership. This power vacuum began when President Biden enacted a host of policies designed to cripple America’s ability to produce oil, natural gas, coal, and the critical minerals we need for every aspect of our modern lives.
American Experiment’s latest report argues that instead of retreating, America must lead on energy, and we are thrilled to host two members of Congress who share our perspective on the crucial energy issues of the day.