Watch My Testimony On Clean Energy First
On February 11, the Minnesota House of Representatives will be holding a hearing on Clean Energy First. This bill would increase electricity prices, decrease the reliability of the grid, and fail to achieve its goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because it excludes new nuclear power, large hydro, and carbon capture, and sequestration technologies.
What is clean energy first?
If passed, the legislation would force Minnesota families and businesses to pay billions of dollars for wind turbines, solar panels, transmission lines, and battery storage facilities. It would also force them to pay millions of dollars for coal plants that are being torn down before the end of their useful lifetimes!
We can see the massive costs this legislation would impose on Minnesotans by examining American Experiment’s cost calculations for Xcel Energy’s plan to prematurely retire their coal fleet and spend billions on wind turbines, solar panels, and transmission lines.
Our modeling shows Xcel’s plan would cost $57 billion through 2051, which equates to an annual average increase of $1,428 per customer every single year.
This bill will dramatically increase electricity costs in Minnesota, make our electric grid less reliable, and fail to reach its environmental objectives. The legislation will be all pain and no gain.
You can watch my testimony by clicking on the video below.