Tracking the Feeding Our Future Scandal

Unlike the mainstream media and journalists, American Experiment’s Bill Glahn has been covering the Feeding Our Future scandal since the FBI raids in January of 2022. Since then, the U.S. Attorney for Minnesota has handed out dozens of criminal indictments identifying over $250 million in fraudulent funds stolen through the free food network’s elaborate schemes — and new charges are still being filed.

Feeding Our Future Webinar: The Verdict Is In! | June 14, 2024

The first trial of Minnesota’s infamous free-food fraud case is in the books and guilty verdicts have been handed down. Who are the guilty parties? Why were two defendants acquitted? Did the delivery of a bag containing $120,000 in cash to a juror impact the verdict? Get the full story from Bill Glahn and John Hinderaker.

Latest News & Analysis

July 23, 2024: First guilty plea in Feeding Our Future bribery case

July 18, 2024: Feeding Our Future: autism clinic connections

July 16, 2024: A guilty plea coming in the Feeding Our Future bribery case?

July 12, 2024: Alleged Feeding Our Future bribery ringleader formally arraigned today

July 3, 2024: Three Farah brothers still in custody in Feeding Our Future bribery case

June 28, 2024: More on the latest Feeding Our Future defendants

June 27, 2024: Feeding Our Future: alleged bribery bagwoman arraigned today

June 26, 2024: Feeding Our Future: 5 indicted in bribery case

June 21, 2024: Feeding Our Future: tracking the defendants

June 13, 2024: Explosive audit report on Feeding Our Future

June 12, 2024: Feeding Our Future: more FBI raids in juror bribery case

June 9, 2024: What’s next for Feeding Our Future?

Feeding Our Future Webinar: Courtroom Edition! | April 19, 2024

Buckle up! The first trial in the Feeding Our Future fraud scandal is set to begin Monday, April 22, 2024 and Bill Glahn is breaking down all the details in this lunchtime webinar. While 18 other defendants have already pleaded guilty, the folks at Empire Cuisine are taking their chances by going to trial. American Experiment policy fellow Bill Glahn and president John Hinderaker set the table for this large and complex case that’s expected to last weeks.

Feeding Our Future Fraud Update Webinar: Feb. 15, 2024

“With the U.S. Attorney for Minnesota announcing another batch of defendants in the Feeding Our Future case recently, it’s time for another update on this massive fraud scandal. Bill Glahn and John Hinderaker will provide the latest news and analysis. One question on everyone’s mind: Did those defendants return from their trips back home to Kenya and beyond?

Minnesota Department of Education Wins 2022 Golden Turkey Award

The Golden Turkey Award is a light-hearted contest to bring attention to the various budget projects funded by taxpayers that go beyond the usual education, welfare, or transportation spending, and allow Minnesotans to weigh in on the silliest spending of the year. Past winners include Gov. Tim Walz’s $6.9 million unused morgue, an extravagant rest stop on Highway 35 and an expensive bus stop that sits empty.

This year’s Golden Turkey was too big to ignore, recognizing waste and fraud that begins at $250 million and will likely end up closer to a billion dollars when the dust finally settles.

“It’s easy to see how the Feeding Our Future fraud program won this year’s Golden Turkey with the sheer size of the fraud, with at least $250 million stolen from the taxpayers,” says John Hinderaker, president of Center of the American Experiment. “While most nominees for this award are merely silly or wasteful, this program was actually criminal.”

Read the story >>

Get Caught Up: The Story Since January 2022

June 7, 2024: 5 of 7 Feeding Our Future defendants found guilty

June 3, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial: the jury is out and the defendants are in…custody

June 3, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial: jury tampering/bags of cash edition

June 1, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial: the math doesn’t lie

May 30, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial: under the bus edition

May 29, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial: in-person edition

May 28, 2024: Feeding Our Future: telling the whole story

May 27, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial: The prosecution rests

May 23, 2024: Feeding Our Future has a ‘Serious Problem’

May 23, 2024: Feeding Our Future Hopkins: light rail defeats free food

May 17, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial: the endless parade of swag

May 15, 2024: Feeding Our Future web reaches ISAIAH and Bloomington mosque

May 13, 2024: Feeding Our Future wins awards!

May 9, 2024: Feeding Our Future: a story from the inside

May 7, 2024: Feeding Our Future: the food that was never served

May 1, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial continues with testimony

Apr. 29, 2024: Opening statements are underway in the first Feeding Our Future trial

Apr. 25, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial: jury selected, opening statements on Monday

Apr. 23, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial is underway

Apr. 20, 2024: Feeding Our Future trial to begin Monday with 7, not 8, defendants

Apr. 18, 2024: A pioneering high school teacher and Bush Fellow linked to Feeding Our Future scandal

Apr. 17, 2024: 3 degrees of separation: the inevitable rideshare/ Feeding Our Future connections

Apr. 16, 2024: Prominent nonprofit linked to Feeding Our Future case

Apr. 14, 2024: Former DFL candidate for state House linked to Feeding Our Future case

Apr. 4, 2024: The first Feeding Our Future trial to begin this month

Apr. 4, 2024: Lakeville development proposed for parcel allegedly bought with Feeding Our Future proceeds

Mar. 29, 2024: AG removes Feeding Our Future defendant from nonprofit leadership post

Mar. 15, 2024: More international travel for Feeding Our Future defendants

Mar. 14, 2024: Feeding Our Future: a false start on the way to an 19th guilty plea

Feb. 26, 2024: Feeding Our Future: 1229 East Lake St.

Feb. 16, 2024: Feeding Our Future follow-up

Feb. 8, 2024: MN Dept. of Education v. Feeding Our Future

Feb. 5, 2024: Another batch of indictments in the Feeding Our Future case

Feb. 2, 2023: 61st defendant indicted in Feeding Our Future case

Jan. 25, 2024: No ‘ticket to fly’ for Feeding Our Future guilty plea No. 16

Jan. 9, 2024: 17th guilty plea entered in the Feeding Our Future case

Stories from 2023:

Dec. 26, 2023: Feeding Our Future trials set to begin in early 2024

Dec. 13, 2023: 16th guilty plea entered in the Feeding Our Future case

Dec. 10, 2023: Feeding Our Future’s ‘tentacles’ reach a Burnsville charter school

Dec. 7, 2023: 15th guilty plea recorded in the Feeding Our Future scandal

Oct. 26, 2023: The curious case of the foodless food charity

Oct. 24, 2023: Feeding Our Future scandal, more tales from the tax returns

Oct. 23, 2023: Feeding Our Future scandal: tales from the tax returns

Oct. 19, 2023: AG Ellison moves to shut down 23 Feeding Our Future-linked nonprofits

Oct. 18, 2023: Appeals court rules against Feeding Our Future-linked nonprofit

Sept. 7, 2023: 14th guilty plea entered in Feeding Our Future scandal

Sept. 5, 2023: 13th guilty plea in Feeding Our Future case

Sept. 1, 2023: 12th guilty plea entered in Feeding Our Future scandal

Aug. 24, 2023: 11th conviction recorded in Feeding Our Future scandal

Aug. 18, 2023: Feeding Our Future: the taxman cometh

Aug. 4, 2023: Feeding Our Future: fake Rolex edition

July 14, 2023: Feeding Our Future: Owatonna (re)visited

Jun. 20, 2023: Feeding Our Future: Catching up (or not) on the fugitives

Jun. 17, 2023: Feeding Our Future: It’s a small world, after all

Jun. 14, 2023: The 10th conviction secured in the Feeding Our Future case

Jun. 9, 2023: Conviction Nos. 8 and 9 in the Feeding Our Future case

May 20, 2023: Ward 10 and Feeding Our Future: connecting the dots

May 8, 2023: 6 Feeding Our Future defendants request to move trial to Chicago

May 4, 2023: Feeding Our Future litigation grinds on

Apr. 21, 2023: Another Feeding Our Future defendant goes on the lam. Unexpectedly.

Mar. 27, 2023: Feeding Our Future fallout: Voters perceive more government $ are wasted

Mar. 10, 2023: Feeding Our Future: 10 more indicted in scandal

Mar. 5, 2023: Update on AG Keith Ellison’s lawsuit against Feeding Our Future’s ThinkTechAct

Mar. 2, 2023: State moves to shut down three daycares associated with Feeding Our Future defendants

Mar. 1, 2023: Feeding Our Future litigation roundup

Apr. 21, 2023: Another Feeding Our Future defendant goes on the lam. Unexpectedly.

Feb. 17, 2023: Feeding Our Future update: Gar Gaar appeal denied, former MN SOS Mark Ritchie banned from food program

Feb. 9, 2023: Legislative Auditor finds lack of nonprofit grant oversight at the state level

Stories from 2022:

Dec. 15, 2022: Behind the scenes in the early days of Feeding Our Future

Nov. 4, 2022: More collateral damage from the Feeding Our Future scandal

Oct. 28, 2022: Even Feeding Our Future tried to warn state officials about fraud

Sept. 30, 2022: How much of the Feeding Our Future fraud could have been prevented?

Mar. 30, 2022: The Feeding Our Future alleged scandal: Burnsville

Jan. 29, 2022: The Timeline So Far

Feeding Our Future Fraud Update Webinar: Mar. 30, 2023

“It’s been over a year since the FBI first raided the now-infamous Feeding Our Future nonprofit. Ever wonder what happened to the people who stole $250 million in free-food funds? Or what exactly they spent the money on?”

Bill Glahn covers the latest indictments, who’s been charged (60 total), and what the fraudsters bought with the stolen funds. (His personal favorite: a laundromat… which was used to launder money).

Tracking the Feeding Our Future Scandal: Nov. 28, 2022

“The origins of the free-food scandal in Minnesota.”

Tracking the Feeding Our Future Fraud Webinar: Sept. 13, 2022

“Bill Glahn addresses recent indictments, speaks about where the investigation is headed, and answers some burning questions.”